
What Are The Most Effective Instagram Advertising Formats?

Instagram is the most popular social media platform for sharing photos, which are often accompanied by small captions. It’s not just about posting selfies, though — Instagram has gained a following in the business communities and it can help your business grow.

It is a great medium for sharing your company’s message and for reaching out to new potential customers. It is a very visual medium and posting photos that may be worth a thousand words. Here are the most popular forms of Instagram advertising:


Instagram is filled with hashtags and this has never been more obvious than in the past year, when the crowdsourcing app, Instagramme, was launched. Hashtags are used to find other Instagrammers to follow that are talking about or posting pictures related to your business. This is quite useful because you get to see what other people are posting, which helps your business in getting a good reputation according to the hashtags that your customers use.

Hashtags and buying Instagram views from Goread are also great for making your brand more visible in Instagram. If you have a unique hashtag, it’s easy to search for images that are tagged with that particular tag. This helps people to find your account when they are using the hashtag and also helps your followers to find you.

Profile Picture

After choosing a title in Instagram, the next step is changing the portrait of your profile picture. There are several options to choose from, such as: square format, square with rounded corners or rectangular. The last two options are the most common ones and they are the easiest to be shared especially on other social media sites.



Stories were first released for users on iOS, although other platforms have since been able to use them too. A story can be up to 15 seconds long and it’s a good way for companies to show their followers behind-the-scenes stuff, like how a product is produced or how the environment at work is like. A good way to use stories is to post them at a specific time of the day.

A company that makes funky furniture should create a story when it’s ready for the public to see and then make it popular on other social media sites because this may help increase sales of that particular product.


Video is becoming more popular now; most companies upload videos to their Instagram account because it helps them reach out to potential customers. Most Instagram users are now following accounts that post videos on their feed and this helps in getting more customers.

Gallery Posts

With this kind of post, you can add up to 10 images from a single post. There is also a description box where you can write anything about the images that you’re posting. This gives your followers an idea about the place or about the work/project that these images have something to do with.